[Spambayes] Research into reasons for founding Open Source Software projects

Wolfgang Sprenger foundingoss at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 3 16:49:09 CET 2007

Hello Spambayes,

I'm studying the reasons why Open Source Software projects get founded.
In the last couple of days I've been studying your project spambayes (spambayes.sourceforge.net).

I'm almost done with gathering data, I just want to ask if you can help me with some concluding questions.

I gathered the following data from your website:

* the date of beginning the project: 1.7.2004.
* the date of the 1st release from this software: 19.
* the number of the developer for this project is: svn, mailinglist.

Is this information correct?

I also have some further questions.
Approx. when did you have the idea for your project? (E.g. August 2006)
What kind of tools do you use in your project to communicate respectively share source code, documentation, etc.?

All information will be made anonymous for publication.

Please let me know if you have questions and thanks for helping me out,

Wolfgang Sprenger
Freie Universitaet Berlin

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