[Spambayes] Help

Jason Hayden xhoneybearx at aapt.net.au
Fri Sep 1 00:05:42 CEST 2006

I am using SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Version 1.0.4 (March 2005) (binary), with version 2.3.5 (#62, Feb  8 2005, 16:23:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] of Python; my operating system is Windows 5.1.2600.2 (Service Pack 2).  I have trained 0 ham and 5 spam. I am using Outlook Express.

The problem I am having is that Spambayes is not set up correctly. I have entered my email client info into spambayes, but I am not sure what you mean by entering the computer's address into the email client. Do you mean the IP address? If so, where should I enter it?

Jason Hayden
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