[Spambayes] Unwanted stock solicitations

Vibe Grevsen grevsen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 17:38:01 CEST 2006


>    Kasper> as posted elsewhere there is a NetPbm port for Windows. I think
>    Kasper> it would be beneficial for Windows users if it was possible to
>    Kasper> use that with SpamBayes instead of having to setup PIL/Python.
> Actually, no it wouldn't.  I trust Fredrik Lundh much more to keep PIL happy
> on Windows than an unknown person to keep NetPBM happy on Windows.  In
> addition, it's much easier for me to manipulate images in PIL than to use
> NetPBM to do it.  And (here's the kicker), since I wrote the code, I get
> more votes than you. ;-)

He he, of course that's your decision. And let me say you're doing a great job ;)

Their forum seems active, but I don't know any of the authors.
I don't know how cygwin works, but I guess, that if either method can be compiled into
an exe-setup, then fine. I do think that having to install three separate applications will
frighten some windows-users, but okay...

>    Kasper> First: The ocrad.exe in the download section is according to the
>    Kasper> version info really v. 0.14
> Unless you have more convincing evidence to the contrary I think I have
> actually been using version 0.15.  That said, Tony Meyer actually built the
> version that I uploaded to SourceForge.  It's possible he used 0.14.

Ok, that's probable. Here I get - with the downloaded file in windows:

C:\> ocrad -V

GNU Ocrad version 0.14
Copyright (C) 2006 Antonio Diaz Diaz.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.  This program has absolutely no warranty.

File size is exactly the same as the one posted with the exe-installer in August.

>    Kasper> Secondly: Yes, the program runs from CMD and it actually
>    Kasper> produces very nice output, but the pnm-file you link to are
>    Kasper> apparently invalid.
> The ocrad folks didn't open the file properly.  To the best of my knowledge
> there isn't anything wrong with the pnm files I've used as examples.

Yes, I think you might be right. I will do some more tests on this.

Best regards


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