[Spambayes] Spambayes doesn't seem to be doing anything

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at amedee.be
Mon Mar 13 22:40:15 CET 2006

Tony Meyer wrote:
>> The problem is that I am still receiving a lot of obvious spam in / 
>> var/mail/amedee, about the same amount as before the spambayes  
>> installation. Have I missed something? What should I check?
> Please see FAQ 4.7 and 4.9:
> <http://spambayes.org/faq.html#why-did-spambayes-mark-this-obvious- 
> spam-unsure>

"Both the web interface and the Outlook plug-in let you view the clues 
that make up the message."
--> I don't have a web interface, or if I have, I don't know where to 
look for it...

> <http://spambayes.org/faq.html#spambayes-doesn-t-seem-to-catch-much- 
> spam-what-gives>
At work I trained spambayes (the Oulook plugin) with a 100:1 ham/spam 
ratio (1000 ham, 10 spam), the results were good enough.
At home I trained spambayes (command line, procmail) with a 1:10 
ham/spam ratio (60 ham, 600 spam), I don't see anything happening.

I'm quite sure the problem isn't spambayes, the problem is certainly 
something I have missed in the configuration. I blame cryptic 
documentation. English is not my native language.

> You should also check that the messages are actually being classified  
> (i.e. look to see that there is an X-Spambayes-Classification header).

I don't see any X-Spambayes-Classification header...

> BTW, you didn't say what your .spambayesrc file looked like, but  unless 
> you've changed it, X-Spambayes-Classification will never be  'unknown' - 
> it will be 'spam', 'ham', or 'unsure'.

I don not have a .spambayesrc file, should I?
I don't want filtering to be done for each user separately, but for all 
the users at once.


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