[Spambayes] [spambayes-dev] tte.py not working with zodb - no spam/ham counts

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri Jun 30 04:35:01 CEST 2006

    >> Seems to work fine (it spits out all the usual chattiness about
    >> number of messages trained and missed), but when I run sb_dbexpimp.py
    >> on the result it shows 0 ham and 0 spam and generates a csv file with
    >> just

    Tony> As far as I can see contrib/tte.py just uses the standard
    Tony> classifier interface ("learn", "unlearn", "spamprob"), right?

Yes.  I don't do anything fancy in that regard.  Do I need to do some sort
of explicit commit (or a close operation that does the commit for me)?

    Tony> Are you telling sb_dbexpimp.py it's a ZODB?

Yes.  I call it like so:

    sb_dbexpimp.py -o Storage:persistent_use_database:zodb \
        -o Storage:persistent_storage_file:$HOME/hammie.db \
        -e  -f ~/tmp/hammie.csv

The spamcounts script also fails to find anything in the file:

    % spamcounts -o Storage:persistent_use_database:zodb -o Storage:persistent_storage_file:hammie.db -r url
    token,nspam,nham,spam prob

I'm perplexed.  Is there some way to treat a zodb file more-or-less like an
anydbm file (that is, a dict in a file)?  That way I could simply poke
around in the file to see what it *does* contain.


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