[Spambayes] Passwords in Outlook Express

Seth Goodman sethg at GoodmanAssociates.com
Thu Jun 29 21:06:49 CEST 2006

On Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:28 PM -0500, Neil wrote:

> I am using Outlook Express and have to constantly reenter my
> passwords whenever I start the application even though I set the
> password in the account settings.
> How do I set that so I do not have to enter it every time?
> Spambayes is running great on my system otherwise and I have no
> complaints (other than this:).

This is an Outlook Express problem, not anything to do with Spambayes
:(  I don't use OE, but firing it up and checking, here's how to make it
remember your passwords.  Under Tools, Accounts, select an email account
and hit the Properties button.  Go to the Servers tab.  In the "Incoming
Mail Server" section, enter your password and check the box "Remember
Password".  Hit OK to save this configuration.  Do this for each one of
your email accounts.

Seth Goodman

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