[Spambayes] Image spam

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Jun 12 09:32:32 CEST 2006

[Tim Stone, regarding classifying image-based spam]
> As the Open Source adage goes... you itch, you scratch <wink>  Who
> itches enough to implement this?  IIRC, we had a long discussion about
> this a long time ago, and decided that if enough image spam were being
> misclassified, we might take a look at it this idea.  I don't have
> enough misclassifications to give me an irresistable itch....

FWIW, I'm both itching and scratching.  I haven't bothered spambayes- 
dev with posts about my failed ideas (I will post when there's  
something I think is worth testing by others), but if there are  
others who are interested in working on this at the moment, please  
speak up and I'll be more vocal about the failures.

(I am documenting the failures, and will put that somewhere at some  


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