[Spambayes] was no subject (where can find documentation)

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 08:20:57 CEST 2006

[mpas1342 at yahoo.de]
> I 'm not a Programmer and i have no experience with Python
> (a little with java)
> What should i do in this case, go along the whole code only to
> know how is the technique to create a token?

Yes.  Tokenization is an algorithm, and you simply can't understand
the details without reading some code.  The (very) short course is
that SpamBayes tokenizes by splitting on whitespace, and ignoring case
distinctions.  Most of the time, but not all of the time.

> I dont know at least in which file i will find information about the token!

tokenizer.py contains all the tokenization code.

> Apart from that, i 'm not sure if i can understand it from only code,
> therefore
> is better for people like me to see some Texts and
> simultaneously read code i think.
> I will be happy if you have such
> documentation and could send me :)
> ??

There is no such documentation, although as Tim Stone said:

    Even if you're not a programmer, the comments are quite readable.

So try that.  Feel free to ask questions if you get stuck.  That _has_
to work better than continuing to ask for something that doesn't exist

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