[Spambayes] questions about import email for training

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Jun 8 11:59:25 CEST 2006

> I also download Python-2.3.5.exe,

Python 2.4 has a much better email package; it would be well worth  
using that.

> Win32all-163.exe

This is *extremely* out-of-date.  You don't actually need it for any  
command-line work with SpamBayes (although whether it is installed  
does effect the default database location), but if you use it for  
something else, you should get an up-to-date version.

> I input command(python sb_mboxtrain.py -g ~/tmp/newham -s ~/tmp/ 
> newspam ) into the Windows comand prompt,it doesn't work. Later I  
> key this command into Python2.3.5 command line,still can't work.

As Amedee said, it would really help to know what error message you  
got, and you should check that ~/tmp/newham is actually a valid path  
to a ham mailbox (possible if you are using Cygwin, extremely  
unlikely otherwise).

> Could you please tell me how can I import email into the SpamBayes?

Train as ham: sb_filter.py -g < path\to\ham\message

Train as spam: sb_filter.py -s < path\to\spam\message

Are probably the best commands, if you are using messages like the  
ones in the 2005 TREC corpus.  This will use the default values for  
your database.


Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
(reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes.
http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains this.

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