[Spambayes] Spambayes stops checking the email...

Piotr Budny vys0 at epf.pl
Sat Jun 3 12:59:02 CEST 2006

Dnia sobota, 3 czerwca 2006 07:51, Eric Johnson napisał:
> Outlook is correctly configured because when the proxy is re-started, it
> works properly for a few hours.  That only can happen if the email is going
> from the email server, to the proxy, to Outlook.  That is why I know that
> is has to be some problem with the part that does the classifying.  It is
> also the same configuration that has been used ever since version 1.0.4 was
> released.  Boy, was it working good, I was seeing less than 2% of the spam
> that I was receiving.  This is one great program...
> Eric
You say it seemes to stop classifying - when yo encounter thisagain, check the 
full header of the message that is not filtered properly, whether there is 
proper Spambayes: spam header:
- if there is none ane earlier there was one -than you are right - somethings 
gets corrupted while SB is working
- if there is one and even though message is not filtered thab Outlook is to 
be blamed.

When unintalling, try to remove manually all files/folders connected with SB 
and clear the system Registry. Might help to make "clear" install whilr 
downgrading to 1.0.4.


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