[Spambayes] Spambayes stops checking the email...

Eric Johnson ejohnson at imagewireless.ca
Fri Jun 2 09:11:36 CEST 2006

I hope this question hasn't been done to death already, but here goes...

I've been using version 1.0.4 of the proxy for sometime and it has been
performing perfectly.  But I do like to try the newest stuff so I tried out
version 1.1a1 of the proxy.  It was great, but I ran into that memory
problem and followed the suggestions to just go back to 1.0.4.

I recently came across 1.1a2, but this time I read all the notes and found
that it was thought that the problem that I had was fixed.  So I tried it a
new version again.  But as you have probably guessed I ran into a problem.
I'm wondering if the problem is my setup or the software.

I un-installed version 1.0.4 through the Control Panel and then installed
version 1.1a2.  It seemed to go well for a while, then the filtering just
stopped.  The proxy seemed to be still letting me get my email, but the part
that does the classifying, wasn't classifying.  So everything went straight
to the Inbox, spam and all.  I shut down and restarted my email program,
Outlook 2000, thinking maybe the rules weren't working but nothing changed.
I shutdown Spambayes with the tray icon and then restarted it.  Everything
started working again for awhile and then stopped again.  I un-installed
version 1.1a2 and re-installed version 1.0.4 figuring that I would just have
to wait for the next version again, but now version 1.0.4 is having the same
problem as what I just described for version 1.1a2.

I am guessing that not everything is removed when you un-install the
software, since it still had all my training and settings from the previous
version.  1.0.4 to 1.1a2, then back to 1.0.4.  I would guess that I have to
remove those leftovers.

What should I try?

I wouldn't mind trying 1.1a2 again if the same solution might solve its
problems too.

Please point me in the right direction...

Eric Johnson

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