[Spambayes] SpamBayes + Exchange Server

Master Bratac bratac at t-onleine.com
Sun Jan 29 11:55:02 CET 2006

Hi Folks,

I found Spambayes yesterday and got an idea. I want to use it with my 
Exchange Server in the following way:

The pop filters should get the emails from my ISP and should forward it to 
my Exchange Server, filtering out the Spam. OK, this should be no Problem 
... now the Question:

Is it Possible to use the Imap filter to train the pop filter ?
I want to scan the Inbox of the Postboxes every night for good Emails, and a 
specific folder (where everyone has access) for bad emails. So users could 
move there Spam emails from the Inbox to this "Spam Folder". This "Spam 
folder" also has its own internal adress, so the POP filter could forward 
SPAM messages to this Spam Folder.

Can I do it like this ? The main thing is ... is it possible to train the 
POP Filter with the use of the IMAP Filter, and how do I do this ?



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