[Spambayes] ANN: ThunderBayes 0.1 - SpamBayes integration for Thunderbird

Daniel Miller millerdev at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 03:26:47 CET 2006

This extension was born from my frustration with Thunderbird's built-in spam filtering features. While I enjoyed the ability to classify email as spam/ham within Thunderbird, the built-in spam filter was not effective enough to make it usable on a long-term basis. Having past experience with SpamBayes, I immediately looked for the best way to integrate the two. Unfortunately, aside from an old rumor I found nothing. So I settled for the pop3 proxy distributed with SpamBayes. While this provided good spam classification results, it left room for improvement on the training procedure. The browser-based training mechanism, while effective, was not convenient and essentially required me to classify most spam that made it to my inbox twice: once to move it to the Junk folder within Thunderbird and once to classify it as spam in the SpamBayes web-interface. Hopefully this will put an end to the frustration.

Read more here:

Download the extension here:

~ Daniel

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