[Spambayes] Several Outlook clients using same Spam Database

Rowan rowan at sylvester-bradley.org
Fri Aug 25 14:00:06 CEST 2006

Thanks for your reply - one or two points arising:

Tony Meyer-2 wrote:
> However, all of this applies to using the default 1.0.x database  
> format (bsddb).  There are alternatives:
>   * There are experimental MySQL and PostgreSQL database backends,  
> which should have no problem with concurrent access.  However, (a)  
> you would require an SQL server, and (b) I don't think these have  
> been tested with the Outlook plug-in.
I can install MySQL - I've already done this on another server. Can anyone
confirm whether or not this has ever been tried with the Outlook plugin? If
not, how likely is this to work? Where do I find the necessary code and
information to allow me to try this?

Tony Meyer-2 wrote:
>   * You could switch to "pickle"  ...  However, this won't work perfectly:
> the only  
> changes that will be persisted will be from whichever system stores  
> the database last - whatever changes are made on the other system  
> will be lost once it is restarted.
This sounds a fairly serious limitation. I'd prefer to avoid this if at all

Tony Meyer-2 wrote:
>   * If the messages are also in a shared location (Exchange or IMAP  
> server), then if you didn't use the Spam/Not Spam buttons but just  
> moved the messages, then one computer could do all the classification  
> and training.
Not quite sure what you mean. The messages are in a shared location (on an
Exchange server), but surely if I just move the messages to the spam folder
by dragging them in Outlook, I won't get any incremental training. And isn't
this a fundamental requirement if I'm to get good spam filtering?

Maybe you mean I would just retrain the system from scratch now and then,
using the whole of the Inbox and Spam folders. I suppose this would be
possible, but it's a nuisance since it takes an hour or more, and it seems
to be missing out on one of the main features of SpamBayes.

Tony Meyer-2 wrote:
>   * You can use ZEO with 1.1a2 (or 1.1a3 if you run from source).   
> Like the SQL options, this requires setting up a (ZEO) server, but  
> unlike the SQL options, this has been tested (although not extensively).
Not quite sure what ZEO is - is this another database, or something
different? My first inclination is to try to make it work with MySQL.

Tony Meyer-2 wrote:
> Alternatively, you could keep the databases separate, and consolidate  
> them periodically (e.g. daily).
How would I do this consolidation?

Many thanks for your help - Rowan

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Several-Outlook-clients-using-same-Spam-Database-tf2150954.html#a5982096
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