[Spambayes] Analyzing text in image spam (was: Spam in Images)

Seth Goodman sethg at GoodmanAssociates.com
Sat Aug 19 01:06:48 CEST 2006

On Friday, August 18, 2006 12:19 PM -0500, Fast Turtle wrote:

> If a message has an html part with a CID that references a proper
> domain name/ip address, why not add an option to tag that as high
> spam probablility unless it's on a whitelist.
> What I'm thinking is that most clients that can handle html mail
> now include the option to not load images from the web. Personally,
> I prefer and pretty much strictly use plain text and the only html
> format mail I even consider legit is white listed and I suspect
> many of us have the same belief

I don't feel the same way at all.  I get various commercial newsletters
in HTML format, and I have no problem with it.  Whitelisting is
something I don't care to do and the HTML email usually has a text MIME
part that satisfies SpamBayes' curiosity.  Some of my clients use HTML
email, and this is one battle I don't care taking to that front.  In
addition, some of my friends keep sending me HTML mail even though I've
asked them for plain text only.  My conclusion is that I'm stuck with
HTML mail for the foreseeable future.  This is not a perfect world.

Seth Goodman

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