[Spambayes] Using Spambayes in a Company?

Ducati Marco mducati at wwp.ch
Tue Aug 15 14:06:07 CEST 2006

Dear Spambayes Developer Team

I am working in a small company with a total of three employees. We have
heavy spam problems and we are trying to find an easy way to fight these
masses of spam. I already know Spambayes because I use it at home as my
spamfilter. After studying the license agreement of Spambayes respective the
Python Software Foundation I'm not sure if we are allowed to use spambayes
in our company.
Could you give me some information about using spambayes in a company? Is
there a way to license it for companies or is it completely free as
described in the license agreement?

Thank's a lot for your information and this great spamfilter!
M. Ducati

Walder Wyss & Partners
Muenstergasse 2
P.O. Box 2990
CH-8022 Zurich
Telephone +41 44 265 75 11
Fax +41 44 265 75 50
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