[Spambayes] How to create a new messageinfodb?

jennyw jennyw at dangerousideas.com
Mon Aug 14 16:09:15 CEST 2006

Hi, everyone,

It's been a while since I last installed SpamBayes, so I could be 
missing something obvious, but ...

I'm having trouble with sb_imapfilter.py and the MessageINfoDB. I think 
it's because although I created a blank hammie db (using sb_filter.py -d 
dbfile -n) I didn't create a blank MessageInfo file. As far as I know, 
this hasn't been a problem in the past -- I had thought that 
sb_imapfilter.py created this file. But it turns out I get this: 
"Warning: no dbm modules available for MessageInfoDB" instead.

Any suggestions?

FYI, I'm running SpamBayes on FreeBSD using Procmail for filtering; I 
only use IMAP for training, since each user doesn't have direct access 
to the mail files.



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