[Spambayes] Incremental Training for ham in Outlook Plugin?

Jesse Pelton jsp at PKC.com
Mon Apr 24 21:59:25 CEST 2006

I don't think I understand the question. Training SpamBayes
incrementally is the preferred approach and designed to be easy. You
train on anything that is not classified correctly, either by clicking
the Spam or Not Spam buttons as appropriate or by dragging an
incorrectly classified message to the folder it belongs in. You take no
training action on anything that's correctly classified.
So, let's say a message shows up in your inbox that should have been
classified as spam. You can either select it and click the Spam button
or drag it to your spam folder. If you find ham in your spam or unsure
folder, click Not Spam or drag it to your inbox. Ham in your inbox you
read; spam in your spam folder you gleefully delete. (That's what I do,
If that doesn't help, maybe someone else can take a crack at answering.


From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org]
On Behalf Of Gil Hurlbut
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 3:44 PM
To: spambayes at python.org
Subject: Re: [Spambayes] Incremental Training for ham in Outlook Plugin?

My concern is the ongoing training. Rather than restarting the
configuration I want to use new ham to keep up with the new spam I have


I'm looking for confirmation that the approach to take to do incremental
training is to move filtered ham out of my Inbox and then select
"Recover from Spam". 


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