[Spambayes] I'm a single woman with a limited income

Richie Hindle richie at entrian.com
Sat Sep 24 19:46:52 CEST 2005


If you want to help out with SpamBayes, there's a whole bunch of things
that you could do:

 * Try to reproduce bugs that we're having trouble reproducing; see the
bug list at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=61702&atid=498103

 * Help with testing; we're only able to test within our own environments,
and only the developers who are around at the time of a release are able
to do even that. Some "real people" who could help test in their
environments would be a big help.

 * Help improve the website; there's a Wiki page about that at

 * Help improve the documentation, especially for the non-Outlook
applications (POP3 proxy, IMAP filter, Notes filter, sb_filter).

 * Help out newbies on the mailing list.

 * Make contributions to the Wiki - any hints and tips, scripts, recipes

 * Take part in discussions on the developer's mailing list at
spambayes-dev at python.org. You don't need to be a developer to participate,
you just need to have a decent grasp of the project and have opinions
about how it should be developed.

Richie Hindle
richie at entrian.com

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