[Spambayes] Tony Meyer - Training question

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Sep 18 10:37:16 CEST 2005

> At this time I would like to know if you have changed your
> opinion on training since then. Here's what you said in a message
> to me on August 10, 2004 after reading my draft chapter.

Yes, I would stick to what I said then.  I would perhaps add that  
after time it is probably worth adjusting the thresholds, so that not  
quite as much ends up in the unsure folder, but maybe that's too  

> I basically distilled your advice down to "do no pre-training at
> all - train only on the UNSURE folder".

*And* any mistakes.

> Where do you stand on training these days, for people who simply
> will not or cannot follow a complicated set of instructions.
It still seems that 'fpfnunsure' (all mistakes and unsures) gives  
generally good results with SpamBayes, and it's certainly the easiest  
method to use with the Outlook plug-in.  I would (and do) still  
recommend it.


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