[Spambayes] Won't work

Peter Blood peterblood666 at joimail.com
Thu Sep 8 08:53:28 CEST 2005

I am having trouble getting spambayes to work. I am computer challenged and need more explicit instructions or to get talked through it. I have Outlook Express and whatever was said about a POP3 - I think I have that too. I have installed the program - at least it downloaded and I followed the install wizard to the end. I have a little icon on the lower right of my computer. When I right click on it I get options to configure and review message among others, but these do not appear to work. Clicking on review messages tries to take me to http://localhost:8880/review, however, the page cannot be displayed. Clicking on configure similarly tries to take me to http://localhost:8880/config but that page cannot be displayed as well. Help. 
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