[Spambayes] users should share database

Jesse Pelton jsp at PKC.com
Wed Sep 7 18:00:28 CEST 2005

As far as I know, SpamBayes does no contention management (locking) on
its databases.  As a result, there's no robust way to share a database
among multiple processes.  So I think that even if you solve the current
problem, you won't be able to get this approach to work.  If you need to
filter mail for multiple users with a single database, you'll probably
need to set up server-side filtering, so only one process uses the

Personally, I think the individualized nature of the database is one of
SpamBayes' greatest assets.  One man's ham is another's spam.  Even if
you get it working, using a single database to filter for multiple users
seems likely to provide a lower quality of filtering (from your users'
point of view) than individual databases would.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: spambayes-bounces at python.org 
> [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Mag. Arno 
> Schoblocher
> Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 10:38 AM
> To: spambayes at python.org
> Subject: [Spambayes] users should share database
> Hello,
> I tested the outlook add-in twice now but I could not make it 
> work: I am
> trying to have a central database for all users, however, it 
> does not work
> because the user-based ini-file on the central network drive 
> has always the
> same name (eg. outlook.ini, or MS Exchange Settings.ini) for 
> every user.
> So, for one user the network share works, if another user starts he
> overwrites the existing "outlook.ini" file with his personal 
> data also named
> "outlook.ini" (eg. outlook folder names).
> My problem behind is that I would like to know if I can 
> install Spambayes on
> a Windows 2000 SP4 Terminal Server running Outlook XP (Office 
> XP), however,
> I could not find any useful instruction for installation in 
> readme-files and
> the mail archives.
> How do I install the Spambayes outlook addin with a central 
> spam database on
> a Win2k Terminal Server or Win2k Pro with multiple users? I 
> would very much
> appreciate if someone could add an article about how to 
> install Spambayes on
> a Windows multi user system (Win2k Pro or Win2k/2k3 server) 
> additionally to
> the existing documentation.
> Maybe I am doing something wrong. I installed the software 
> (with change user
> /install on the TS), run 
> outlook_addin_register.exe hkey_local_machine
> edit the ini-file to use the network share.
> When starting Outlook the wizard comes up, however, everybody 
> writes to the
> same ini-file.
> Regards
> arno

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