[Spambayes] how to remove spam from subject forincorrectly makedmail

User Waldo userwaldo at theeggbeater.net
Sat Sep 3 18:43:33 CEST 2005


Thanks for the help.

Tony Meyer wrote:

>[Tony Meyer]
>>>I don't believe you can edit messages with Outlook Express
>[User Waldo]
>>Thanks, I was able to fix this via a plugin for Thunderbird
>>that allows you to edit headers.
>I presume that means that you're using Thunderbird, then.  Do you know that
>the subject tags aren't required to use SpamBayes with Thunderbird?  You
>ought to be able to filter on the X-Spambayes-Classification header, which
>avoids munging up the subject header.  (Sad old Outlook Express can't filter
>on arbitrary headers, so needs the subject/to munging).  I guess you might
>want the munging for some other reason.
Yes, I was able to turn off the Subject tags once I realized I didn't
need them for Thunderbird.

>>Also I've switched to the imap client, but had to use an older
>>version due to not beeing able to connect to the mail server 
>>with the newer version. 
>What's the older version and what's the newer one?  1.1a1 ought to be much
>better than 1.0.x, but is in alpha.  1.0.4 should definitely be better than
>any earlier 1.0.x's.
I was unable to get the newer versions to work on my Gentoo install.  I
will have to attempt this again in the future.

>>the problem is that it occasionaly crashes and i have to 
>>restart the filter.
>I don't suppose you have any more information than that?  Like the message
>that it printed when it crashed?
Unfortunatly I don't have any error messages since i'm running spambayes
as a process from init.d.  For now I'll just deal with it, and attempt
to get the newest versionup and running in the future.

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