[Spambayes] HowTo disable the "Save and Shutdown" Button in the Webinterface on linux ?

Florian Gerstenberger gerstenberger at imst.de
Fri Oct 28 09:54:34 CEST 2005

Richie Hindle wrote:

>I assume you're running from source.  You need to install resourcepackage
>from http://resourcepackage.sourceforge.net/ in order for your changes to
>anything in the "resource" directory to take effect.  Download
>ResourcePackage-1.0.0.tar.gz, unpack it into a temporary area, cd to that
>area, and run "python setup.py install".  You can then delete the unpacked
Hi Richie,

I already found that out yesterday but you're right. In my opinion this
is something that
should be contained in the Spambayes FAQ.....

>In ProxyUI.py there's a class called ProxyUserInterface with a member
>function called onView() - it's that function that shows the emails:
>        if message is not None:
>            self.write("<pre>%s</pre>" % cgi.escape(message.as_string()))
>You need to change that to just show the headers... I don't know off the
>top of my head whether the "email" package has a way to do that, but this
>hack should work:
>        if message is not None:
>            whole_message = message.as_string()
>            split_message = re.split(r'\r*\n\r*\n', whole_message, 1)
>            self.write("<pre>%s</pre>" % cgi.escape(split_message[0]))
This piece of Code helped me a lot. Thank you very much for your help.

With best regard,

Florian Gerstenberger

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