[Spambayes] Whitelisting for spam reports

Manuel Hewitt mhewitt at web.de
Sun Oct 16 00:51:10 CEST 2005

Hallo Tony,

> Assuming that you're training only on any mistakes & unsures, then
> both ham and spam should be set to default to 'discard' anyway.  Is  
> it really that much of a problem to have these in the list when they  
> don't cause any extra work?

Well, that does only apply if the assumption is valid. I prefer to
always train everything to keep my filter up2date.

> Open-source is a scratch-your-own-itch world.  It's not like we have  
> a great deal of time to work on SpamBayes, or that we're getting any  
> financial reward out of doing so.  (Having more non-contributing  
> users is in some ways a net negative, because it just adds to the  
> support load).

This is your point-of-view. And luckily most OS projects don't
think this way.

> So write one and submit a patch.  However, you're wrong.  Have you  
> read the comments from Mark that are linked to from that FAQ entry?   
> They discuss the difficulty of adding whitelisting (he's talking  
> about adding to the Outlook plug-in, but it mostly all applies to  
> sb_server as well).

OK, my fault, i think i overrated the abilities of the developers.

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