[Spambayes] Training & Modified

WIlly De Waele willydw at telenet.be
Tue Oct 11 14:19:19 CEST 2005

I sended following answer first directly to Tony.
Here is a copy:
*** quote
I'm using Outlook 2002 and SpamBayes 1.1a1 as plug-in.
The modified dates are modified due to "Score messages after training". This 
is logic, since the "Spam" field is updated, I presume.
Now my (final) question: Is the "training database status" in the "General" 
panel always updated?
In any case: SpamBayes is a nice tool to separate spam. Before I used 
"MailWasher", I is a hell of work to "train" !!!
Thanks for your answer
*** end quote

"Tony Meyer" <tameyer at ihug.co.nz> wrote in message 
news:313C4335-D28C-4510-B516-98F5C872BAEB at ihug.co.nz...
> Which SpamBayes application are you using?  It looks like you're
> using Outlook, so I'm guessing the Outlook plug-in.  If that's wrong,
> then my response will be, too, so please let us know and we'll try
> again.
>> During training the "modified date" is set to the "training date"
>> and the archiving is postponed.
>> How can I prevent this?
> I *think* that if you don't rescore messages when training, then the
> message is completely untouched (apart from the read), so that might
> work.
> If not, then the troubleshooting guide has a section that talks about
> how to stop the plug-in storing the message score in the message
> properties (I don't recall exactly where it is offhand, and don't
> have a copy accessible at the moment sorry - if you can't find it let
> us know).  That ought to work, although this is undesirable for other
> reasons.
> =Tony.Meyer
> -- 
> Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
> (reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes.
> http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains this.
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