[Spambayes] new Kmail feature

Claude Jones claude_jones at levitjames.com
Sun Nov 20 16:37:34 CET 2005

I've just installed KDE 3.5 rc1 on my Fedora Core box. While going through the 
settings in Kmail, I activated the antispam wizard. The first thing it does 
is search for antispam software on the computer. It found Spambayes, and gave 
me some configuration options, mostly involving where to put detected spam 
and where to put unsure. Once I'd done that, a couple of icons appeared in 
the menu bar, one for classify as spam and one for classify as ham. If I tell 
it to classify some message as spam, the message is immediately removed from 
the folder and sent to trash. 

I'm wondering if this has been implemented in conjunction with the Spambayes 
team - that's one question. 

The second is more regarding how this works. If any one knows - if I click on 
the classify as spam icon in the toolbar, does that classification get 
processed into my spambayes database? 
Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA

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