[Spambayes] Out of Office AutoReply: [SPAM] - [SPAM] - Re: Secure delivery - Bayesian Filter detected spam - Bayesian Filter detected spam

De Garriz, Carlos carlos.degarriz at iberoservice.com
Mon May 30 18:43:48 CEST 2005

Estimada/o  --- Sra./Sr.
Muchas gracias por su mensaje. Estaré ausente de la oficina hasta el próximo día 01 de Junio. Su mensaje ha sido reenviado a nuestro departamento comercial, (Sra. Marilú Perez Nobre), quién atenderá su petición en mi ausencia:
incentives.commercial at iberoservice.com

Dear Madam/Sir,
Thank you very much for your Email. I shall be away from the office till next may 01st. June.Your message has been diverted to our Commercial Department (Mrs. Marilú Perez Nobre) who will take care of your enquiry in my absence.
incentives.commercial at iberoservice.com
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