[Spambayes] [spambayes-dev] ham goes not left to theoriginalfolder - Outlook2003

camel@rocam.com camel at rocam.com
Thu May 26 12:00:08 CEST 2005

To add something to the code it's a litte bit to early ...
I have to install all necc. Things for cvs and reading a lot od stuff

Cu camel

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2005 03:10
> An: camel at rocam.com; spambayes at python.org
> Betreff: RE: [Spambayes] [spambayes-dev] ham goes not left to 
> theoriginalfolder - Outlook2003
> > Here the log-part from this action ...
> [...]
> > Unable to determine source folder for message 'RE: [Spambayes] 
> > [spambayes-dev] ham goes not left to the originalfolder - 
> Outlook2003' 
> > - restoring to Inbox
> [...]
> > Or maybe i can olso help - i can programm vis c, vis basic, c 
> > also.......
> > But at first i will wait what you are think about the 
> logs....because 
> > i would need a lot of time to feel good in the sources :)
> If you were willing to run from source and try a few changes, 
> that would greatly help.  If you can run from source, then 
> the code we are interested in is the GetRememberedFolder() 
> method in msgstore.py.
> ISTM that to get the function to return None (which will 
> print out the message that was in your log) without also 
> printing a "Error locating origin of message" message the 
> GetFolder() method has to return None.  It gets called with 
> either the folder id from the message, or the folder id from 
> the messageinfo database.  It would help to know which one it 
> is (I suspect the latter, and something is going wrong with 
> storing it in the messageinfo database).
> Could you add a 
>             print "MAPI", folder_id
> line before the first call to self.msgstore.GetFolder() in the
> GetRememberedFolder() method, and a 
>                 print "msgdb", self.original_folder
> line before the second call and see what gets printed to the log?
> =Tony.Meyer
> --
> Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in 
> your replies (reply-all), and please don't send me personal 
> mail about SpamBayes.
> http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html 
> explains this. 

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