[Spambayes] 500 Server error

Stephen Ng steveng at pop.jaring.my
Wed Mar 2 02:30:52 CET 2005


Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry I did not provide all the details. I'm 
running on RedHat 9.

I will try with Python2.4 and the print message.id and let you know.


Stephen Ng

Tony Meyer wrote:

>>I received the following error after Reviewing and clicking
>>on Train -
>>Training... Saving... Done. Trained on 10 messages. 
>>500 Server error
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "/usr/lib/python2.2/email/Header.py", line 67, in decode_header
>>    if not ecre.search(header):
>>RuntimeError: maximum recursion limit exceeded
>This looks the same as this bug:
>[ 802530 ] Unable to review messages this morning
>Which I closed because we hadn't heard back from the OP in a long time (i.e.
>it wasn't ever resolved).
>What operating system is this?  sb_server increases the stack size (I
>presume that's the limit that's being hit, although I could be wrong) on Mac
>OS X, which I think was to avoid something like this.
>Do you have Python 2.3 or 2.4 available to you?  If you do, do you get the
>same problem when using them?  This could be something that has been fixed
>in the email package (or in the re module).
>Finally, I suspect that it's one individual message that is causing the
>problem here.  If you could identify which one, and give us a copy of it,
>that would help a lot.  There are two ways I can think of to do that.  One
>is to put a "print message.id" before the "messageInfo.bodySummary =
>self._trimHeader(text, 200)" line in ProxyUI (the last id printed is the
>problem one).  The other is to move messages out of the cache until it
>works.  (Much more work, but doesn't involve touching the code).
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