[Spambayes] Uninstall Spambayes

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Jun 14 01:15:17 CEST 2005

> I need to uninstall SpamBayes from my PC and I can't seem to 
> successfully uninstall it.  It leaves the Junk E-mail and 
> Junk E-mail Suspects on my mailbox.

Those are regular Outlook folders.  You can do anything with them that you
can do with any other Outlook folder.  If you want to delete them, then
right-click them and select 'Delete "Folder Name"'.  That will move the
folder into the "Deleted Items" folder, which you can then empty.

> In addition, it also leaves the SpamBayes toolbar from MS Outlook.

This is a known bug: see FAQ 3.16:


The FAQ has instructions for removing the toolbar.

> Can you send a detailed instructions on how to manually remove all
> the files from C drive and the registry?

All the program files and registry values are removed by the uninstaller,
which I presume you have run.  If you want to delete your data files, then
you will need to do that manually.  FAQ 3.5 explains where the data files
can be found:



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