[Spambayes] Uselessness of SpamBayes for Outlook

skip@pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Wed Jul 27 18:51:24 CEST 2005

    I've been using the Outlook addin for Windows (XP) for several months
    now, and I'm thoroughly unimpressed.  I thought I would give it the
    benefit of the doubt for the first month or so, but it continues to put
    the same obvious, pathetic spam emails in the Suspect folder, identical
    to the ones I've told it were spam many, many times over.

Could you post one such message with the clues your instance of SpamBayes
generated for it?  Also, what are the properties of your training database?
How many spams and how many hams have you trained on?  Are you sure you
didn't make any training mistakes?  There are a fair number of us using
SpamBayes quite happily, so I'm more inclined to think the root cause is
either a configuration problem or pilot error.  (I have committed many pilot
errors myself, so I don't suggest that as an attempt to deflect blame away
from SB.)


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