[Spambayes] I found a bug.

Lorna Marcoux LMarcoux at GreenwoodEV.com
Thu Jul 21 20:58:26 CEST 2005



-----Original Message-----
From: Lorna Marcoux 
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 2:52 PM
To: 'spambayes at python.org'
Subject: spam question
Importance: High


I have contact that continually goes into my "spam" folder that
shouldn't.  I've trained it the proper way and I even resorted to
uninstalling the software and reinstalling, proceeded to train all over
again and this one contact still comes into my spam folder, even when I
tell it to recover spam.  Can you help me with this please?  I've
searched for some type of spam log to see if I could manually remove the
contact, but have been unsuccessful in finding one.


I'm currently using Windows XP Professional / Spam Bayes version 1.04
(March 2005) 



Lorna Marcoux - Sales Coordinator

Greenwood Emergency Vehicles, Inc.

Direct: 508.809.9811



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