[Spambayes] Stopping training

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Sat Jul 16 05:34:12 CEST 2005

> Can anyone tell me how to set spambayes so that
> I do not have to train it for a period?

You don't have to do anything to do this - just don't train.

You don't say which SpamBayes application you're using.  If you're using the Outlook plug-in, then just make sure that 'incremental' training is off (Training tab), and don't use the "Delete as Spam" or "Recover from Spam" buttons.  If you're using sb_imapfilter.py, then either don't put new mail in the folders you've told imapfilter contain mail to train, or call imapfilter without the '-t' switch.  If you're using sb_server, then just don't use the review page (mail from the last 7 days will still be cached; if you need that disk space, then you can turn caching off).


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