[Spambayes] 1.0.1 binary + Outlook 2003 SP1 run error

Matt Ross m.g.ross at herts.ac.uk
Mon Jan 31 11:09:05 CET 2005

> Apologies for the delay.  (I've been trying to think of 
> something to suggest, which isn't easy with this one).

Thanks for your response Tony.

> If you choose not to disable SpamBayes after Outlook says it 
> caused a problem, does it just say it caused a problem again? 
>  Are there any more specifics in any of the error messages?  
> (From memory, the "caused a problem" one has just about no 
> details at all, which is really no help).

Yes it repeatedly fails with the same error if I don't disable it. The error
report it gives is a stack dump and other debugging output [i.e. loaded
DLLs]. I think all MS software does the same kind of reporting now. Just out
of interest I tried installing Python and the source code version instead.
Results were exactly the same, except for the .DLL name of the plugin being



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