[Spambayes] Moving spam to the junk folder

Robert Mezzone RMezzone at PJSolomon.com
Wed Jan 26 00:25:54 CET 2005

It's a Microsoft issue. Louise emailed me directly with a solution she found, switching to cached mode. However this should only be used if you are running Exchange 2003. If you use this setting and are running older versions of Exchange you can cause problems.

Cached mode is nothing more then a fancy name for a local OST file, a local replica of your mailbox.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer <tameyer at ihug.co.nz>
To: Robert Mezzone <RMezzone at PJSolomon.com>; LCrosby at crosbygrp.com <LCrosby at crosbygrp.com>; spambayes at python.org <spambayes at python.org>
Sent: Tue Jan 25 18:20:22 2005
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Moving spam to the junk folder

[Robert Mezzone]
> This is a known issue when certain versions of Outlook
> and Exchange are used together. I can check the version
> numbers if you are interested.

I definitely am.  This comes up _really_ often.  It would be good to have a
FAQ that listed specific version numbers.

When you say "known issue", do you mean just with SpamBayes, or is this
wider than that?  I don't suppose you know of a Microsoft kb article about
it?  (I've looked in the past, but never managed to find anything, but then
I'm not great at searching the Microsoft kb).

> I believe it's newer versions of Outlook with older
> versions of Exchange, i.e. Outlook 2003 and Exchange
> 5.5 exhibit this behavior.

I see it with Outlook 2002 SP2 (is there any way a regular user can check
their Exchange version?).

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