[Spambayes] Possible install bug under Windows 2000.

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Jan 17 00:48:12 CET 2005

> I quickly traced the problem to the fact that the SB installer
> had put the files _pop3proxyham.mbox and _pop3proxyspam.mbox
> in my windows startup folder,

This occurs if you use the "Train" box on the main page of the web
interface.  The files are created in the current working directory, which I
guess for you was the startup folder.  They'll put in a more sensible place
in 1.1.  For the moment, you can simply delete them if you use the "Train"
box (it's not really of much use, since we recommend that you don't do
pretraining).  They aren't used for anything - they're just there in case
you need to recover if something goes wrong.

> It seems to me that this must be an install bug.

They don't get installed, rather they are created at runtime.


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