[Spambayes] spambytes

Katz, Amir Amir_Katz at bmc.com
Tue Jan 11 14:02:17 CET 2005

It's under C:\Documents and settings\<your login name>\Application


From: Mazzone, Jim [mailto:Mazzone at lbdc.state.ny.us] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 14:54
To: 'spambayes at python.org'
Subject: [Spambayes] spambytes

Great tool! I looked through your faq and config guide.  I have a new PC and
would like to get my current config to it.  I found the file outlook.ini on
my old pc where it was supposed to be, but on my new PC I do not have a
Application Data\SpamBayes entry what config files do I need to move and to
what directory. Thank you in advance. 
PS I went form w2k to wxp 
Thank you,
Jim Mazzone
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