[Spambayes] Adv.Conf.-Interface: Headers to Display, spam%

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Jan 2 06:56:41 CET 2005

>>> Now i have "From Subject To" and the score display enabled. I
>>> have to wait 15 minutes to be able to check my freemail 
>>> account again. I will send a test message and give it a try.
> didn't work right away
> But NOW it works. I don't have seen a note anywhere but 
> *shame on me*, do i have to restart Spambayes to make a new 
> config work?

You shouldn't have to - the configuration should take effect as soon as you
save it.  However, maybe the browser has the current review page cached?  If
you change the options and then force the browser to reload the review page,
does that fix it?


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