[Spambayes] Using a different 'application data' folder

Dylan Horkin dylanh at horkin.net
Sun Jan 2 02:37:55 CET 2005

Thanks for replying. I figured out the problem...

Basically, I had restored the database through a backup file after I
reformatted. I accidentally restored security options with it, so windows
locked me out of the folder. By deleting my user account and recreating, it
removed the folder, so I'm good to go.

Love the filter, by the way. It'd be nice, though, if there was an option
where you could put words manually in the filter that AUTOMATICALLY make an
email marked as spam. For instance, I'd be able to enter 'vicoden' and any
email with that word gets marked as spam. It never comes up in personal
emails, only spam. Or at least weight the spam probability priority.

Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 5:32 PM
To: 'Dylan R. Horkin'; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Using a different 'application data' folder

> For some reason, the /documents and settings/Dylan/application
> data/spambayes folder is locked, and I cannot delete it.

What happens if you try?  What is the exact error message that you receive?
SpamBayes does nothing to lock this folder in any way - the only way that
SpamBayes would be preventing deletion would be if it was still using files
in the folder (and if Outlook is completely shut down, then that will not be
the case).

> Every time I boot outlook, it asks me for settings again, because
> it cannot write the settings to the folder.

This sounds like a Windows problem.  Are you logged in as 'Dylan' and not
someone else?  Do you have appropriate Windows permissions?

> How can I either remove this folder so it will work again,

If Outlook is shut down completely, then SpamBayes isn't stopping you, so
you'll have to figure out how to get the necessary Windows permissions to do

> or make it use an alternate application data folder?

Please see FAQ 3.14:



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