[Spambayes] Where to send suggestions for SpamBayes?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Feb 7 04:58:47 CET 2005

> I'm interested in seeing a feature added whereby SpamBayes 
> will clear the message indicator (the envelope in the system
> tray) when a few conditions are met:
> 1. All of the mail received was classified as spam; and/or
> 2. All of the mail received was classified as *either* spam 
> or suspected spam.
> The reason I think this is probably a useful, and even 
> necessary, addition is that if mail is classified as spam,
> we won't be looking at it anyway, so no need to retain the
> "new mail" notifier.  I think that the setting for #2
> above is something that should be user configurable (check 
> box, etc.) such that you could decide whether that behaviour
> is something you want.  The default, of course, should be
> as it is now, so that *any* new mail will trigger the indicator,
> just to keep things vanilla for those ho don't care.

This is a very common request.  For example, see FAQ 3.8:


And the RFE:

[ 774978 ] Hide envelope icon when only spam received

To steal Kenny's words from there:

"The problem is that SpamBayes only knows about a small
subset of the Outlook mail folders.  A user can configure
Outlook rules to move messages to other folders that
SpamBayes doesn't know about, so it is difficult for
SpamBayes to be certain when there are *no* other unread
messages anywhere in Outlook."

However, the upcoming 1.1 release will include some additional notification
support.  At the moment there is a "Notifications" tab in the Manager
dialog, from where you can set sounds for SpamBayes to play when
ham/unsure/spam is received.  (These can be used instead of / in addition to
the Outlook notification sounds).  It's feasible that this will be expanded
in time so that a tray icon can be controlled as well as sounds.  (Either
the Outlook tray icon, or one of our own).


Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
(reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes.
http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains this.

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