[Spambayes] Delay Times

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Feb 7 01:57:50 CET 2005

[Matthew M Page]
>>> I was just configuring my SpamBayes (for the second time) and 
>>> I became curious about the delay times on the advanced tab. I 
>>> poked around on the Sourceforge site, but didn't really find 
>>> an answer...

You can get some help by clicking the wee question mark icon at the top
right of the dialog and then clicking the entry box (I imagine, but haven't
checked, that pressing F1 while in the box would do the same).

>>> Can someone explain what the function of these delay times is 
>>> for? And what the optimal settings are?

[Kenneth Sole]
>> Apologies to any more expert than I if I am intruding, but...

Answering others questions certainly isn't intruding!  It lets the 'experts'
answer other questions that might not have anyone else to answer.

>> My understanding is that the delay is to allow Outlook Rules 
>> to do their deed(s) before SpamBayes starts its thing.
>> I would assume that a bit of tuning is needed to set the 
>> delay. If rules are not completing their task, extend  bit.

[Amir Katz]
> True, but since MS does not expose the inner workings of 
> Outlook clients, and does not tell when a plug-in is exactly 
> invoked, there is no guarantee that a delay that works in one 
> situation/installation will be sufficient in another.  One 
> can only tweak and pray.

The only things I have to add are:

  1. The 1.0.x interface will let you set invalid values (we'll fix this for
1.1) so if SpamBayes stops filtering, check the log for an "invalid timer
value" entry.

  2.  One value is for the delay after new messages after before filtering
the first unread message, and the other is for the delay between filtering

BTW, if you don't use Outlook rules at all, or (IIRC) if all your rules
operate on Exchange then you can just turn background filtering off.


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