[Spambayes] icon in lower right corner

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Fri Dec 30 02:02:42 CET 2005

> I have the little envelope icon in the right hand corner twice, and  
> I have to review my mail through both of them.  If I don't, I get  
> an error on my outlook express.  How do I get rid of one of them?   
> I guess I could delete the download and do it all over again, but  
> is there a better way?

This is very odd - SpamBayes checks to see if it is already running  
on startup, and shouldn't be able to start twice.  Are they both  
definitely SpamBayes?  (i.e. it's not SpamBayes and some other filter?)

What's the error that occurs in Outlook Express?  Reviewing mail  
happens *after* it's delivered, so you shouldn't get any errors in OE  
even if you don't review the mail at all.


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