[Spambayes] filter misclassification

K. H. Gowranga gowranga at serc.iisc.ernet.in
Fri Apr 29 10:31:58 CEST 2005


I obtained the following clues to understand why the filter misclassifies
mails from a particular source. Despite training such messages as "ham",
the Ham score is shown as "0". Kindly let me know how to force such a
message to be treated as "Ham".

Thanks in advance.


Combined Score: 50% (0.5)
Internal ham score (*H*): 0
Internal spam score (*S*): 0

# ham trained on: 0
# spam trained on: 0

0 Significant Tokens
token                               spamprob         #ham  #spam

Message Stream

Return-Path: <bounce-14810-111417 at lyris.msfc.nasa.gov>
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	by serc.iisc.ernet.in (Postfix) with ESMTP id 26B7F180F
	for <gowranga at serc.iisc.ernet.in>; Fri, 29 Apr 2005 09:54:31 +0530 (IST)
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	by iisc.ernet.in (8.12.9/8.12.8) with SMTP id j3TA0EBM048312
	for <gowranga at serc.iisc.ernet.in>; Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:00:24 GMT
From: NASA Science News <snglist at lyris.msfc.nasa.gov>
To: NASA Science News <snglist at lyris.msfc.nasa.gov>
Subject: Prospecting for Lunar Water
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 21:33:17 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
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X-Folder: Bulk

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

NASA Science News for April 28, 2005

Settling alien worlds is thirsty work. Before sending people back to the Moon, NASA plans to send a robotic spacecraft first to hunt for water.



The Science at NASA Podcast feed is available at http://science.nasa.gov/podcast.xml.

You are currently subscribed to snglist as: gowranga at serc.iisc.ernet.in.

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Content-Type: text/html;
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NASA Science News for April 28, 2005<p>
Settling alien worlds is thirsty work. Before sending people back to the Moon, NASA plans to send a robotic spacecraft first to hunt for water. <p>
<a href="http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2005/28apr_lro.htm?list111417">http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2005/28apr_lro.htm?list111417</a><p>
The Science at NASA Podcast feed is available at <a href="http://science.nasa.gov/podcast.xml.">http://science.nasa.gov/podcast.xml.</a> <p>
You are currently subscribed to snglist as: <a href="mailto:gowranga at serc.iisc.ernet.in">gowranga at serc.iisc.ernet.in</a>. <p>
This is a free service.<p>
To unsubscribe click here: http://lyris.msfc.nasa.gov/u?id=111417C&n=T&l=snglist<br>
or send a blank email to <a href="mailto:leave-snglist-111417C at lyris.msfc.nasa.gov">leave-snglist-111417C at lyris.msfc.nasa.gov</a>


All Message Tokens
97 unique tokens'2005'
'email addr:serc.iisc.ernet.in.'
'email name:gowranga'
'from:name:nasa science news'
'science at nasa'
'skip:l 40'
'subject: '
'to:name:nasa science news'

On Fri, 1 Apr 2005, Tony Meyer wrote:

> > However, mails from "NASA" keep getting delivered to "spam"
> > folder, despite the fact I train/retrain the filter not to
> > treat it as "spam".
> You can see the clues list via the web interface (you can use sb_upload or
> just sb_server and use the form on the main page), or there's a script to
> print them out in CVS (and will be in 1.1) in the contrib/ directory, or if
> you turn on the X-Spambayes-Evidence header they will be there.
> =Tony.Meyer

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