[Spambayes] Spambayes 1.1a1 feedback - Outlook add-in, Notifications T ab

Ekins, Chris Chris.Ekins at dsto.defence.gov.au
Tue Apr 12 08:24:32 CEST 2005



Have been trying out the 1.1a1 alpha release of the Outlook add-in.  Please find comments below in response to your request "We would appreciate reports about the new notifications tab - both whether it works as you expect, and any improvement ideas you might have."


Note am using Outlook 2003 build 11.5608.6360 part of the MS Office Professional Edition 2003 on Win XP SP2


Wrt the Notification tab functions:


Good Sound - Functions as expected.  There is some confusion between Window's settings to play a sound on receipt of mail and the setting in Spambayes.  Which takes precedence?


Unsure Sound - Can't get this to work at all.  Have sent myself mail previously classified as spam so that Spambayes puts this in my Junk Suspects folder, but sound does not play...


Spam Sound - Plays correct sound when Spambayes classifies a message as spam and puts the message into my Junk Mail folder.


But... Some of the flags/options/check-boxes on the Advanced tab seem to interact with the setting in the Notifications tab.  Am unsure of the relationship between the settings and the effects.  eg disabling background filtering disables sounds for junk mail, but Spambayes still processes the spam into my Junk Mail folder - strange!


Regret that I'm unable to provide a Log file to assist in the diagnosis.


I've been waiting/hoping for an improvement (for the Outlook add-in) that plays different sounds when good mail (ham) is received, but ignores Spam.  In my opinion, getting the function that plays a (different) sound for new suspect mail is far more important than playing a sound for certain spam.  ie I want to know when new mail arrives, I want a different sound when new mail arrives that is possible spam.  I don't want a sound to play when certain spam arrives.


Overall - an EXCELLENT addition to an already invaluable utility!!!  Everyone should use this.






 <mailto:Chris.Ekins at dsto.defence.gov.au> Chris.Ekins at dsto.defence.gov.au


Command & Control Division

PO Box 1500, Edinburgh, SA 5111





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