[Spambayes] New to this program & Questions

Don Ireland don at donireland.com
Sat Apr 9 22:18:38 CEST 2005

Hello all, I'm new to this program and was wondering if anyone could help me out with a couple of issues I'm having.  I use OE6 and have installed the SB pop3 proxy.

  a.. I have email accounts on three different servers and would like to filter out the spam on them all.  However all three mail servers use the same port numbers.  When I told SB the addresses of the three mail servers it told me that each mail server needed to have the port number specified, so I typed the same port number 3 times seperated by commas.  It then told me that each port number must be unique.
    a.. Here's my setup:
      a.. One mail server is for my ISP provided email accounts (three accounts on that server--all checked using this PC & each one serves a diff purpose)
      b.. One mail server is for my work provided email account (only one).
      c.. The third server is for my home business.  Right now there is only one email address on this server--but that might change in the near future.
    b.. Also how do I enter the info into OE6 to have it tell SB WHICH account to check?
  b.. When I tried sending mail to the "Train as ham" address, my mail server rejected it because it didn't know where to find "localhost".
    a.. How do I forward messages to SB without going through the mail server?
    b.. I thought that maybe I needed to OE to route outgoing mail through SB as well so that SB would see the messages destined for the ham/spam at localhost addresses and keep them and then forward all others on to the true outgoing mail server.  But again, how do I tell SB WHICH mail server to use for each particular account?
      a.. Several of the mail accounts require that I login to the OUTGOING mail server using a DIFFERENT login name than the INCOMING mail server.  How do I specify this so that SB will know what to do?
Thanks to anyone who can take the time to help!

Don Ireland

"Nobody, but nobody / Can make it out here alone."
--Maya Angelou
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