[Spambayes] Some details that could be better

Otto, Michael Michael.Otto at NielsenMedia.com
Thu Sep 30 19:33:18 CEST 2004

I have just installed SpamBayes orc-1 on top of Outlook 2003 (I used to use
it with outlook 2000) and now even though I have checked "Mark spam as read"
it  does not do so.  When I check "Mark suspected spam as read", it does
that correctly, but that is not what I want.  I want it to mark items as
read when I delete them as spam from the suspect spam folder or from my

Interestingly, it does mark spam as read if it detects it as spam (spam
score over 90%) and automatically deletes it as spam.  I only have the
problem when I use the "delete as spam" button.

This is not what I was getting with Outlook 2000 before upgrading to 2003.

Do you have any suggestions?


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