[Spambayes] flaw in 1.0

Faina, Mihail M.G.Faina at Thomson.com
Wed Sep 29 14:17:37 CEST 2004

Installed 1.0 on top of 1.0rc2 with no problems. 
XP Pro SP1, Outlook 2003 SP1.

-----Original Message-----
From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] On
Behalf Of Tony Meyer
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:18 PM
To: 'Dan Jeffries'; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] flaw in 1.0

> I read the release notes and it says that nothing changed 
> between RC2 and 1.0.  However, I've installed version 1.0, 
> fresh, on two Windows XP Service Pack 2, Office 2000 SP 3 
> machines and the installer crashes while registering with 
> Outlook.  The same thing happened when I upgraded from RC2 on 
> my Windows 2000, Outlook 2000 SP 3 machine at home.  The 
> program seems to work anyway, but still it doesn't leave a 
> good impression when a program crashes on install!  So 
> something must have changed between the two releases, because 
> this didn't happen for me with RC2.

The only thing that changed was the person (and therefore machine) that
built the binary (i.e. the packaging process, but nothing internal).

What sort of crash happened?  Was there any sort of error message presented?

I've tested the installer on a (fresh) Win2000 OL2000 SP1 machine, and on an
WinXP SP1 OL2002 SP2 machine, and both work fine.  I wonder if this is a
problem when installing to Outlook 2000 SP3?

If other people that have installed 1.0 (successfully or not) could let me
know what version of Windows & Outlook they are using, that would be great.

=Tony Meyer

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