[Spambayes] download help

Remi Ricard papaDoc at videotron.ca
Tue Sep 21 23:57:22 CEST 2004


On the left this page there a menu:

In the Plateforms section, select your plateform (probably windows).
Then a new page appears.
Click on "Download the installation program"


 > I went to Spambayes.sourceforge.net
> Can you tell us on which site exactly you are since Spambayes
> has several site for different purpose
> (www.spambayes.org, http://sourceforge.net/projects/spambayes/, etc)
> papaDoc
>>I am on your website and I can not figure out how to download the 
>>program to use with outlook.   What are the download instructions.  I do 
>>not see a download button

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