[Spambayes] Delete the programme

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Sep 16 07:05:47 CEST 2004

[It doesn't appear that this messages to spambayes at python.org has been
answered yet - sorry about that! I've been away and so are catching up with
the messages. Please ignore if I'm wrong and this has been resolved

> I just tried to instal the programme but my firewall
> kicked in and stopped the full setup - I decided to
> uninstall the programme.
> I ran uninstall but there is still a file called
> SpamBayes in my programme files - I cannot delete these files

What happens if you try?  There shouldn't be any reason why you can't delete
the SpamBayes files manually if you try (assuming that Outlook is closed, so
they aren't in use).  What error message do you get?

=Tony Meyer

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